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The Jobs currently available on a BrightServer instance may be viewed and modified by the Job Status node under BrightBuilder's 'Servers' panel.
Here, File Caching defined via sync point panels in BEPs and both job scripts marked to Execute on Schedule in active BEPs and server added User Scripts may be monitored, enabled or disabled, or invoked to run via any system administrator. All these actions will have immediate effect on the BrightServer instance.
This screen will refresh while open at set intervals, such that the most up-to-date statistics may be retrieved by the server. This update rate may be configured via the 'Auto Refresh Interval' field. By default, the interval is 10 seconds.
Jobs in the list may be filtered, by the 'Filter' entry to search for script names, and also via the drop-down 'Filter By Project' option, which allows lookup based on project number and version, or user scripts. Furthermore, job rows may be sorted in ascending or descending order by tapping the column headers of the table.
Furthermore, jobs in the list may be selected and have their schedules changed by the 'Schedule' checkbox. This allows changing of the schedule types via combo box and text field to specify the schedule type. Once changes have been made, tapping the 'Update' button will submit the changes. This may only be performed on jobs which have been disabled.
The table contains statistics for each job available in the system. They are as follows:
Project, Version : Displays of the BEP configuration the script belongs to (if any).
Name : Name of the script as defined in the BEP file, or as assigned in the 'Configuration > Job' node.
Type : 'Script' indicating it is defined by a BEP, 'User' indicating it was configured via the 'Configuration > Job' node.
Enabled : Displays whether the script is currently enabled () or disabled (). An enabled script will run on the schedule specified, starting from the time it has been enabled. A disabled script will not run until enabled. This state may be toggled via the 'Enable' or 'Disable' button on the screen.
Running : Displays if the script is currently running () or if stopped (). A script may be invoked to be run regardless of schedule, even when disabled, by tapping the 'Run' button. The job will continue to execute on the same schedule after the run button is tapped if enabled.
Start Time, End Time : Displays the time the script has last started/completed in the system.
Description : Displays the description as specified by 'User' type scripts in the Configuration > Job node.
Schedule Type: Displays whether the schedule operates on a Simple or Cron schedule.
Schedule : Specifies the period or Cron expression which the schedule operates on.
Jobs with CRON schedules which are invalid and/or will never execute cannot be set to 'Enabled'. They will, however be present in the Jobs table, and able to be executed manually via the 'Run' button.